Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where there's smoke...

I really enjoyed our first cooking challenge. The challenge ingredient was picked by me this time and was "winter squash." I chose butternut squash and this recipe. I usually buy my butternut squash pre-cut and I was amazed how ORANGE it was when I cut it open. Here I am scooping out the innards
Martha suggests you bake them in the oven with some water in the bottom of the cookie sheet and covered in foil. Who am I to argue with Martha? My oven isn't actually all sideways like this
Here are my ingredients all lined up with the scooped out cooked goodness
Please note that smoked paprika is NOT the same as paprika
Please note that 1tsp is NOT the same as 1tbs and especially 2tbs is NOT the same as 2tsp

Yes. I used 2tbs of smoked paprika vs 2tsp of paprika. I just re-read the recipe right now and realized my measuring mistake

Here it is all cooked with non-browned bread crumbs on top

My review? I'm sure the original recipe was very good. My version was a disaster and you will have to imagine the next picture of it in the garbage. I was hesitant to add the paprika (it just seemed that there should be sweeter spices in it) but smoked paprika was a horrible, horrible HORRIBLE mistake. Thank god I didn't have the chives it also called for. Hopefully, everything will work out for the next challenge. PS I forgot to mention that there was NO WAY I was going to buy 9lbs of butternut squash so I bought one large one and cooked the mixture in a....container vs in the squash.

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