Sunday, March 24, 2013

Carrots! And Stuff!

This month's challenge is carrots. I love carrots. They're versatile and can pretty much be added into any dish.

Carrots works fantastic for me, because I am trying a new Lunch Thing.
It's only new to me, there are a gazillion recipe examples online. And I encourage you to try it!

To find any of those recipes just look up Salad in a Jar.

I only took two pictures of this recipe. Mostly because it's so damn simple.

Step one: Identify what you want on your salad.
Step two: Procure/prepare those things.
Step three: Sort those things by lettuce and Wet Things.

I built four salads in a jar to take with me for lunches for the next week. And every one has...Carrots!

Here is one in the preparation stage.

I said this was easy. But I didn't say it's not messy. Mess. Y.

And here they are done! They look so beautiful! Each one is different. I'm taking extra lettuce with me tomorrow because I didn't feel like I got enough lettuce to make a true salad.

Four little piggies went to the market. Or something like that. I had a terrible childhood.

I have cooked so many things today. I made homemade protein bars. And lunch. And dinner. I am tired of cooking!

For lunch I had an awesome shake. I usually don't like protein shakes. they always taste powdery to me. But this one is 2 cups of kefir/siggi/yogurt/milk and two chopped bananas. Add a tsp of ground allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg. Add some ice if you like it super cold.
Blend. Enjoy. It's amazing! And I was full for hours.
It tasted like eggnog and pumpkin pie combined. I might try to add some pumpkin into it tomorrow morning.

Now it's time to watch Walking Dead, light a fire, and have some warm tea.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lazy LAZY girl chili

Hello readers :)

I didn't think I would be doing this month's challenge, which is "CORN" and was selected by the lovely Keira, but I happened to have a can of corn in my cupboard AND Michael told me that it would be good in here I am. Let's begin!

Here are my intrepid ingredients. Two kinds of beans, because variety is the spice of life. This fire roasted tomato product that I like. The spice mixes in a convenient envelope. The baggie had leftover chopped onion from the eggs I made yesterday and it was stinking up my fridge so in it goes. I also added some salt, garlic, and some chipotle chili powder. My spell checker is telling me that should be spelled "chipolata" but I'm pretty sure it's drunk. Maybe that's where the vodka I was going to use in my recipe went - see what I did there? ;)

Hmmm...It looked like I randomly dumped some beans into my crockpot, I could see NO liquid so I added 1/2 can of water. I have no idea if that will help or make everything too watery. Here is the finished product.

This is how long until I find out if my dinner sucks or not.

I call this photo "Good god TOO MANY beans! Don't open another one!"

PS I panicked and added some taco seasoning and more salt so...wish me luck!!